Our Inclusive Vision
The Inclusion Team supports children and young people with a range of special educational needs and disabilities or other barriers to learning. It is our intention that with precise and timely support all students can access a broad and balanced curriculum.
We provide for a range of special educational needs including:
- Communication and interaction needs
- Cognition and learning needs
- Social, emotional and mental health difficulties
- Physical and sensory needs
The graduated approach (assess, plan, do, review) is used to inform decisions about how to best support students. Vulnerable Student Panels are an opportunity for staff to share information and reflect on the best way forward.
At all stages of the process of supporting a student parents, carers and the student should be involved – for example, if adding or removing a student from the SEN register or referring a student to agencies for support and diagnosis.
Our team works to remove barriers to learning. Our Pastoral Managers, Attendance team, Higher Level Teaching Assistants, Teaching Assistants, Inclusion Teachers and Classroom Practitioners work across the school to support teachers and ensure our classrooms are inclusive with all reasonable adjustments made. We work closely with the NHS and other specialist organisations to ensure we are providing the right support in the best way possible. Eastlea also draws on the experience across Newham Community Learning, the group of schools we are part of, to implement best practice approaches.
Eastlea Community School has a designated resourced provision with 14 placements for students with profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD). Admission to the resourced provision is through the Newham SEND team, in consultation with the school.
Our Resource Base
There are 14 places in our resourced provision for students with PMLD. In addition to students placed by the local authority into this provision, we also provide for also students with Education and Health Care Plans (EHCPs).
There are three groups in the Resource Base of up to ten students per group. These groups are supported by Teaching Assistants and are taught largely by Inclusion staff. Some students attend mainstream lessons. Higher Level Teaching Assistants and Classroom Practitioners lead interventions and coordinate aspects of the provision for students’ medical, emotional, learning and communication needs.
The groups are defined primarily by communication level and then by key stage; KS4 Linguistics, KS3 Linguistics and Sensory.
For more information please see our SEND Policy and Information Report and Accessibility Plan. There are a range of other relevant policies for Inclusion which can be found here.
Should you have any queries regarding our provision, or would like to arrange a visit, please email our SENDCo, Amelia Aiken, on