Years 10-11 Curriculum
KS4 is an inclusive and challenging two year pathway. We offer academic choices (GCSE) and more practical options such as the ASDAN Life Skills course and entry level certificate in English, Maths and Science. Our SEND students are fully involved in school life and are supported through our curriculum which allows students to attend mainstream subjects and still attend classes which are tailored to their specific needs. Our curriculum plan can be viewed on our Curriculum Offer Page.
Our curriculum offers challenge through various opportunities such as the triple science GCSEs, further Maths, Curiosity Club, the ‘Brilliant Club’ as well as chances to explore life beyond the classroom and the curriculum through the ‘Duke of Edinburgh’ award.
Students are sometimes required to access learning online or directed to specific websites to enhance and support the learning that takes place in the classroom. All of our schools use Google classroom as our online learning platform. Some subjects also direct students to additional websites which are specified in this document here
Our Key Stage Four (KS4) Long Term Plans
List of courses available at KS4:
Core subjects:
Options subjects:
- History
- Geography
- French
- Spanish
- Fine Art
- Textiles
- Drama
- Music
- Sociology
- Design Technology
- Dance
- Photography
- NCFE Tech award PE (Health & Fitness)
- Citizenship
Vocational Courses:
Subjects offered to higher attaining students: